Thursday, January 15, 2009

Form2 : 8.0 - Database Software

Meaning of database :
A database is the computer equivalent of an
organized list of information. Typically, this information has a common subject or purpose, such as the list of employees, phonebook guide or a classmates address book.

Microsoft Access 2003 (Access 2003) is a database system management (database programs). It can store, manage, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, display or publish information from database.

Table :
A collection of records that identify a category of data, such as Customers, Orders, or Inventory. Data inside a table is arrange by column name field and row named Record.
- Field – A single characteristic or attribute of a person, place, object, event, or idea.
- Record – A set of related field values.
Form :
Use to enter new information, to edit or remove existing information or to locate information.
Query :
Used to locate information, to view, change or analyze it in various ways. A select query retrieves data from one or more tables and displays the result in datasheet. A select query can be used to group record and calculate sums, counts, averages and other types of totals.
Report :
Typically used to summarize, organize and analyze information in order to express a particular point of view to specific audience.

means the value in the primary key fields is need to uniquely identify each record; that’s no record can have the same value in this field.
