Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Form2 : Database (MS Access) - Note & printing

Form2 : MS Access (Database)

Step to create table :

1. Open MS Access
2. Create a new file
3. Blank database
4. Save file
5. Design view
6. Insert data
7. Set primary key
8. Close, save – table name
9. Insert data / record
10. Save again

Exercise :

Answer question, exercise Modul 2 (page 19) :
Print and paste in student’s exercise book
- print database – Cocuriculum data 2S
- table – Cocuriculum data 2S

How to Print (Database) :
1. Open database file
2. Push Print Screen / Prt Scr (keyboard)
3. Open MS Word
4. Paste - ctr V / Edit then paste
5. Open Table (database file)
6. Push Print Screen / Prt Scr (keyboard)
7. Open MS Word
8. Paste - ctr V / Edit then paste
9. Setup margin - database and table display in one page
Clic file, page setup, clic margin, change top to 0.4, change bottom to 0.4, OK.
10. Save in your thumbdrive and print
