Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Questions : Area 6 (InfoSys) - 29 okt 09

Q1 : State two uses of DBMS to develop information system.

Q2 : State two benefits of Sistem Maklumat Pekerja in DBMS.

Q3 : Clarify two reasons why data entry clerk needs the 'User Manual' in his work.

Q4 : Explain two relationship between data entry clerk and information system.

Answers :
Q1 : i) creates a database
ii) access a database
iii) manage a database (add, edit, delete)

Q2 : i) analyzes employee data, find employees' add / tel no / etc.
ii) make report on employees' details.
iii) check holidays taken
iv) easy to manage employees' information.

Q3 : i) guide - people need to follow the correct procedure when handling a system.
ii) reference - people can refer to the manual for any information related to the system.
iii) who to call if system fails (troubleshoot guide)
iv) guideline to troubleshoot problems.

Q4 : i) the clerk entries data into information system (with explanation)
ii) the clerk accesses data from the information system
iii) the clerk uses computer hardware in dealing with information system
iv) the clerk follows the guidelines and procedures fixed
